Open Source. Problem-solving. Development.
Developing Biggest Tech Community In Pakistan.
Deepak is currently a computer science sophomore at Comsats University
Islamabad. His interest lies in Open Source, Problem-solving, and documenting his journey in the
form of cool blogs. You might have noticed that he is most active on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Deepak is currently learning about Web-technologies, and he is on the mission to create 100 awesome websites that will help newbies to learn more about
Web-Development and how it can help solve real-world problems. He is part of the Flutter Islamabad team, and he is among one of the most active students
in his university societies.
He thinks that learning new technologies is good, but having a strong grip on problem-solving is the
most important thing that is needed to be a great developer, for that he is active on Leetcode and GFG, and uses them to solve
DSA questions.
An GUI based Web-Application. Working on the principles of CRUD. Created using Java.